Empty Chair Documentary Invited to DisOrient Asian American Film Festival


Alice Tanaka Hikido and Greg Chaney celebrating the premier of his Empty Chair documentary.

Greg Chaney’s documentary “The Empty Chair” will be shown at the “DisOrient Asian American Film Festival of Oregon” in Eugene, Oregon.

Here is Greg’s take on the festival:

“Although the festival name is a bit unusual, our little documentary will fit right in. It will be humbling to have “The “Empty Chair” showing at the same festival with large budget films about the Japanese American experience during WWII.

I will be attending to represent Juneau.

I want to stress that if anyone knows someone in the Eugene/Oregon/Pacific Northwest area who has some connection with the internment story, I’d love to have them attend. I am trying to arrange to have Alice and Mary (Tanaka) phone in for part of the Q&A session.”

Location:  Bijou Art Cinemas, Eugene, Oregon

Date and Time:  April 19, 2015, at 1:30 p.m.

Congratulations Greg!